Tower Prep Wiki
Tower Prep Wiki
Role: Faculty
Played by: Karen Holness
First appearance: Whisper

Art was the art teacher at Tower Prep. She has demonstrated a liking for inserting hidden messages in her paintings, such as a drawing of a bunny that's only visible under ultraviolet light.


At Tower Prep[]

As her name implies, Art teaches art at Tower Prep, including 3rd period Art, which includes Ian Archer and his friends. She displays a sense of humor when Emerson Poencet is transferred to her class by Whisper 119 , but also is handed a forged note by Emerson saying that she is also to give him no homework and an A. She is surprised when Headmaster enters her class, but is mollified when he says he is merely observing. However, Ian questions blatantly about why they have an art class if the school is about training their abilities. Art is about to answered, when Headmaster cuts in and lectures Ian about why he thinks that, and then proposes a homework assignment to the class, for them to create a work of art that represents their abilities, which Art readily agrees to.("Whisper")

Later on, Art instructs Ian's class on their next assignment, using fear in art. She says that all great artists go to places of fear in their artwork, to give viewers the feeling of 'I'm scared too' when they see it. That evening, as she's working on a new piece of art, Ian comes to her room. He asks her if she wrote him the note saying 'I'm scared too'. Art is flattered that Ian thinks her capable of such a thing, but tells him no, she did not write him the note. ("Whisper")

Art was the faculty adviser for the Tower Prep Network Blog, Tower Prep's version of a school newspaper. She had asked Ian to do a report on the mysterious graffiti found on the walls of Tower Prep. Ian, however, does not want to, and Emily Wright takes the assignment instead. Later, Ian notices that specific words were altered in his article he wrote about buffer, and Emily showed Ian that these missing words form a secret message about the Broken. Shortly after, Art is "dismissed", and Wood Shop replaces her as the adviser to the Network Blog. Although not confirmed, it appears that Art was using the code to try to lead Ian, rather than Emily, to the Broken.

After Leaving Tower Prep[]

It is currently unknown where she went and what happened to her. ("Trust")


Main characters: Ian ArcherGabe ForrestSuki SatoCJ Ward
Students (recurring): Cal RiceDon FinchEmerson PoencetEmily WrightFenton CapwellRay Snider
Students (minor): Amber SunkistAva TaylorChelsea SloanDan MaxwellDemetrius WinghamDonald UtleyFlash McNultyHoward GilmoreHubert KovalevJenni PeasleyJeremyJordanLazloLisa MerrimanMascotMonicaNoelleNormanPenny StosicRoss AndersonTawny DvorchekThe Great UnknownWinslowZack Blonsky
Faculty: HeadmasterArtBiologyCoachDebateHistoryDr. LiteratureMathNursePhysicsPsychologyScienceDr. SpecsWood Shop
Other: GnomesWhisper 119Whisper 120Whisper 23RedfangConradConner OwensCornelius TowerShinji SatoTakahiro SatoTunnel ManLydia ArcherMichael Archer