- January 18, 2013: Paul Dini has released a new episode of his podcast, where he addresses why Tower Prep ended and what was planned for the series. For more details, see this section of the Tower Prep article.
- As of November 23rd, 2011, the Tower Prep forum has been removed from the Cartoon Network Website.
- As of November 15th, 2011 Paul Dini announced on his twitter that there is still no news on the show, but he does have a story for how to continue it, and if Tower isn't picked up for Season 2, he 'still hopes to tell that story in some form'.
- October 22nd, 2011: The Tower Prep webpage on is gone, but the forum is still there.
- April 11, 2011: Paul Dini has released a new episode of his podcast Radio Rashy in which he discusses T…
Tower Prep Book
Hello since Tower Prep probably won't becoming back i want to make the show into a book but i need help because i can not do it by myself because i am crap at writing so if you want to do a chapter put which one in the comments and go here to write the chapter then when you are done please send it to
Note: This is for personal use only i do not have any plans on publishing it
Making Tower Prep into a book
Hello since Tower Prep probably won't becoming back i want to make the show into a book but i need help because i can not do it by myself because i am crap at writing so if you want to do a chapter put which one in the comments and go here to write the chapter then when you are done please send it to
Note: This is for personal use only i do not have any plans on publishing it
House of Anubis gets a second season, but Tower Prep doesn't?
So, I'm sure you've heard that Nickelodeon's mystery show "House of Anubis" has come back for a second season since they contently advertise it. This really rubs me the wrong way since, one, I hear NOBODY ever talking about it so why bring it back? And second, they pretty much ended the last plot, they didn't HAVE to do more.
But really, I'm just mad that HOA, the show that's so obviously Nick's answer to Tower Prep, gets another season, and Tower Prep doesn't. It feels like they're rubbing it in my face.
House of Anubis, in my opinion, doesn't really deserve it. Tower Prep, on the other hand, does.
HOA looks low budget, doesn't have very good acting, editing, camera work, or writing. If you gave me the same money and equipment, I could probably …
Recurring Symbolism in Tower Prep
Tower Prep contains a variety of intricately interconnected themes and motifs:
- 1 Rooks and Towers
- 1.1 Tower of London
- 1.2 Odin
- 2 Latin
The Rooks presumably take their name from the bird (a rook or raven) seen on Cornelius Tower's emblem. However, the word "rook" has a second meaning: It is the name of the chess piece also called the "tower" or "castle." The rook in chess has a crenellated battlement that resembles the top of the Tower Prep logo. (See picture at right.) Crenellations are the cut-out portions of the walls of a battlement, originally used to protect archers. Coincidentally, Ian's last name is Archer.
In "New Kid", when Ian first enters Headmaster's office, the camera lingers specifically on one of the towers in a miniature model of the …
I'M ALIVE!!!!! (AKA I'm Back!)
After a super long unexpected hiatus, I'm finally back! I've been attempting to get back to work on the wiki for the past few months but school and work has delayed that but now i finally have some free time to edit!
By my next weekly update (Probly Monday)
- Finished updating bios for up to Episode 3
- Updating Stories for all pages up to Episode 3
It's good to be back!
Tower Prep Talk
Health (the health teacher) teaches the students in good hygiene, which is part of physical activity. The Tower twins (who are fraternal) visit Tower Prep as teens but were not sent by the school staff, which makes them different. A monitor named Angelique gave them uniforms. They met Ian, Gabe, CJ, and Suki
Thank you to anyone who voted!!! She made it to the next round is currently in 20th place. I hope you guys will keep helping out by voting everyday!!! I will be back soon to continue my work on the wiki.
Favor from the community
Hey, one quick update, i haven't ditched the wiki, the talent show and approaching semester exams are eating up alot of my time, but i have a five day weekend coming up so i should be able to get some editing done. However, in the mean time i could use a huge favor from the community! My friend is in a world wide competition called just let me sing. She is crazy talented and is ranked 40th in world. however, she needs to at least be ranked 35th by the end of tomorrow in order to move on to the next round. It would mean alot to me if you guys could all go vote for her before the end of tomorrow as she currently needs at least 600-700 more votes to catch up! tell your friends to vote too, but i hope you all go vote!!!!!!!!! Thanks!!!!!!!
Quick Update
I have recently been commissioned by my school to film and create our annual talent show dvd. It is a huge project, one i have to put 100% of my focus on. During the rendering and publishing process, i can hopefully find sometime to edit the wiki, but i dont think i will be able to get what i wanted to done. By next weekend i should be back to normal schedule wise and i will continue working on things i mentioned in the last update. Thanks for your patience.
Weekly Update 1/12/11
I have not gotten as many things done as would have like due to the unfortunate death of my great grandfather over the weekend. I have been spending time with family so i have not had time to work on the updates. I have gotten a few things done however
Since 1/5/11
- Added about another roughly ten minutes of Whisper to all story sections
- Finizaled the current theories section with Cornprone, which are being added to the pages that need it
- Reorganized hyperlinks on all the pages i have worked on so that things and people are only hyperlinked once when they are mentioned the first time
Goal for 1/19/11
- Get another twenty minutes of Whisper done, preferably all of it
- Continue to reorganize the hyperlinks on the rest of the pages
- Work on adding to the …
Update 01/05/11
I'll start leaving weekly updates every wed (i may change the day idk) so that way people can see what ive done the past week, but more importantly i can keep track of what i have done myself (due to me having a busy life outside of the wiki, which makes it's hard to keep track of things).
Since New Year's:
- Edited minor fixes on a few pages
- Started adding Episode 3, Whisper, to all story sections of all pages (1st eight minutes done so far)
By next Wed (1/12/11):
- Hopefully finish adding Whisper to all pages, however due to me starting production this weekend on a few short films for my school, most likely i will only have up to 30 minutes done
- Adding and refining the mysteries page
- Assisting Cornprone on working out a refined model for the Theori…
Tower Prep season two?
As of December 2010, Tower Prep has not yet been renewed for season two. If you want to see the show come back, here are a few things you can do.
Although it's debatable as to how effective letter-writing campaigns are, it can't hurt to tell Cartoon Network that you want more Tower Prep. Just make sure your messages of support remain positive, and focus on how much you want to see more of the show.
- Paul Dini has asked fans to email the CN VP of Public Relations. Find out more at this Twitter post.
- Traditional letters can be sent to Cartoon Network at:
- Cartoon Network
- 1050 Techwood Drive
- Atlanta, GA 30318
- You can also send feedback through the CN website. Go to the Feedback page, select "Programming" then "Tower Prep" and leave a message about how yo…
Update on My Work
I've finally finished adding Episode 2 to all the profile pages, as well as episode 1. I'm hoping to get Episode 3 and maybe 4 done by Monday before my Winter Break ends.
Other Stuff Im working on:
- Adding more organized and structured relationship sections
- adding more pictures and better profile pictures
- adding story section to each location and group
Hopefully i'll get alot done before my break is over, but thankfully i have a few months before season 2 (hopefully) airs!
Happy Holidays Tower Prep Community!!!
Happy Holidays Everyone!!! The year is almost over and so is the first season of Tower Prep! I think everyone has done such a great job making this an informative and creative resource for anyone wanting to find out or catch up on the show. Special thanks go to Corneprone, who is the main driving force behind this wiki being successful, and is now the wiki's admin as well! In the next year hopefully we will see a Tower Prep Season 2 (they better make one!!!!) as well as this wiki expanding even more!!! I hope everyone has a great holiday with friends and family and enjoys the season finale next tuesday!!!!
Happy Holidays,
Compete Episode Links
Hey, I need some help. I've managed to find links for the first two episodes, New Kid and Monitored, but i could use some help finding links that contain the rest of the full episodes online so i can watch and edit at the same time. I know Field Trip is posted on Cartoon Network. Just post them on my page. Thanks!!!!
100th Article!
I created the 100th Article, Perimeter Wall!
--EDFan12345 Don't roast them!•You gotta Flambé 'em!•See meh Edits 22:32, December 21, 2010 (UTC)
New Ideas
Hey I have been watching Tower Prep since the show started, and quite frankly find it an amazing show. It has the depth of an high quality and is well produced enough to keep an adult watching, with the enough light humor to keep older preteens and teenagers tuned in as well. A few weeks ago I came across this wiki, and decided to join and help keep it up to date and well written. I also have a few ideas too.
-Add a section at the bottom of all the pages, to post theories that have a good amount of evidence to back them up. This would mean no random ideas or theories with little evidence to support them.
-A page with unanswered and answered questions about the show.
I'd be happy to create and maintain these pages, but I was wondering what the c…
I go to tower prep too!
Hey, Gabe. I go to Tower Prep too! I'm the Millennia. My power is mind touching which allows me to learn names and powers of others, causing others to think I'm spooky. I can also control the wind. People say I'm always full of surprises. I think I know where Tower Prep is, but Head Master did something to me that prevents me from being able to tell. I hear that you are sharing the room with Ian. Cool! I learned something...disturbing recently. If one's power goes out of control, Head Master or Coach will take them to a place (I don't know where) and they will clone and then kill them.
There Should be more blog posts.
I think we should have more blog posts so we can keep a record of whats happening at this Wiki. So keep blog posting and if you go to tower prep see you there.Gabe Forrest 13:47, November 27, 2010 (UTC)
Hey guys I'm new to this Wiki I just want to know who is on this Wiki. I'm mostly at Tower Prep so I can't always log on.
Fanon Wiki!
I was thinking one day "There are probably thousands of students at Tower Prep, most of them without a name. Why not make a fanon wiki where people can give them a name and power." Then, I created the Tower Prep Fanon Wiki to make that true. Currently, i'm the only user :D. I hope many of you come help out!
-EDFan12345 Don't roast them!•You gotta Flambé 'em!•See meh Edits 22:22, November 16, 2010 (UTC)
Who's Excited For The Premire?
Okay, so my sister and I are REALLY hyped for this to come out!
I like how Cartoon Network has live action shows now! I think it's a great thing! So what's your opinion on the new live actions on CN and Tower Prep?