Coach | |
Role: | Faculty |
Played by: | Dan Payne |
First appearance: | New Kid |
Coach is a faculty member in charge of physical education and is the coach of the Gold buffer team at Tower Prep.
Coach was a student at Tower Prep and was one of the test subjects for Corvus H-40. He was also a member of the Rooks and still respects Headmaster as the leader of the group. ("Rooks") At one point, under unknown circumstances, he was sent to West Campus. ("Snitch")Coach learned how to fight from the future Headmaster during this time as well. ("Fathers")
As a teacher at Tower Prep[]
Coach is the first teacher that encounters Ian, when he breaks up a fight between Ian Archer and the buffer teams, He showed some sympathy to Ian, who was lost on his first day at the school. ("New Kid")
He soon becomes a mentor to Ian and trains him regularly in martial arts sparring sessions. Ian often asks him questions during these sessions, but Coach remains reluctant to reveal secrets about the school that Ian isn't allowed to know. Coach eventually tells Ian about West Campus and how if he continued to ask these questions, he may end up there soon.

Coach sparring with Ian
Coach then accidentally lets it slip that he was once a student at Tower Prep, but refuses to say any more on the subject at the time. ("Monitored")
When Ian is charged with theft and grand larceny, Coach is one of the members of the tribunal. Ian attempts to talk to Coach during a session but Coach refuses to say anything on the matter, especially since Ian's monitor, Chelsea Sloan, is present.("Monitored")
Coach is revealed to be a rook, with Headmaster as his leader. Ian and company discover evidence that when Coach was a student, he had been part of a clinical test of Corvus H-40, a drug used by the rooks to increase their powers. According to Coach however, Corvus is an addictive steroid that makes your powers stop working without it after addiction. This may not be true, as Coach is seen telling Headmaster that he had lied to Ian about Corvus's full potential. ("Rooks")
When Ian questions him about West Campus more, Coach reveals that when he was a student at Tower he was sent to West Campus. He describes it by saying it's a place where people meet their worst, darkest fears. ("Snitch")
This section contains fan theories. |
Coach may be the seventh person who is trying to restore Tower Prep to a positive force. He, Headmaster and Cornelius Tower may be Senior Rooks who are working together against the Board.
Characters |
Main characters: Ian Archer • Gabe Forrest • Suki Sato • CJ Ward |