Tower Prep Wiki
Tower Prep Wiki
Emerson Poencet
Role: Student
Ability: Microscopic vision
Played by: Jeffrey Ballard
First appearance: Whisper

Emerson Poencet is a student at Tower Prep.


At Tower Prep[]

Useful Eyes[]

Emerson Poencet shows to have been able to fit in quite well within Tower Prep, and maintains a certain level of humor during class, such as forging a note from Whisper 119 to give to Art, asking her to give him no homework and an A. For the homework Art and Headmaster assigned (to make a work of art about their ability), he paints a painting that appears to be a microscopic dot, but is actually a complex painting under a microscope. ("Whisper")

Because his work study timecard showed he worked in the administration building, he was suspected of being the one sending Whisper's secret notes. When Ian confronted him about it, he used his ability to prove the notes were computer printouts. ("Whisper")

Eyes See All[]

Later, Ian and Emily Wright call upon Emerson to examine a vial of blood containing Chemica Desin, which Emerson then uses his ability to identify the substance and also he notices that there is Chemica Desin on the campaign button. ("Election")


Emerson has the natural ability to see with microscopic vision. He uses his power in art class to create an entire painting the size of a tiny red spot on a canvas. His ability is strong enough to see individual blood cells and accurate enough to identify six different sets of fingerprints on an object with only a glance.


Main characters: Ian ArcherGabe ForrestSuki SatoCJ Ward
Students (recurring): Cal RiceDon FinchEmerson PoencetEmily WrightFenton CapwellRay Snider
Students (minor): Amber SunkistAva TaylorChelsea SloanDan MaxwellDemetrius WinghamDonald UtleyFlash McNultyHoward GilmoreHubert KovalevJenni PeasleyJeremyJordanLazloLisa MerrimanMascotMonicaNoelleNormanPenny StosicRoss AndersonTawny DvorchekThe Great UnknownWinslowZack Blonsky
Faculty: HeadmasterArtBiologyCoachDebateHistoryDr. LiteratureMathNursePhysicsPsychologyScienceDr. SpecsWood Shop
Other: GnomesWhisper 119Whisper 120Whisper 23RedfangConradConner OwensCornelius TowerShinji SatoTakahiro SatoTunnel ManLydia ArcherMichael Archer