Tower Prep Wiki
Tower Prep Wiki
Role: Faculty
Played by: Richard Steinmetz
First appearance: Buffer

History (also called Coach History) is the history teacher at Tower Prep and is (or was) also the coach of the Red team in the sport buffer.

After his buffer team is frustrated in a loss against Gold team, History walked out into the Forbidden Zone as Ian and Gabe followed him. After witnessing him apparently communicating with gnomes, they decided to investigate him. Desperate to keep winning, History asked Ian to join his buffer team, and even promised to tell Ian what he knows about the gnomes if they could defeat Gold in the final game before the playoffs. CJ and Gabe sneaked into his office and found the Gnome radio transceiver there. After losing the big game, History refused to talk, and it's unknown what he was doing with the transceiver and what his relationship with the gnomes are. ("Buffer")


Main characters: Ian ArcherGabe ForrestSuki SatoCJ Ward
Students (recurring): Cal RiceDon FinchEmerson PoencetEmily WrightFenton CapwellRay Snider
Students (minor): Amber SunkistAva TaylorChelsea SloanDan MaxwellDemetrius WinghamDonald UtleyFlash McNultyHoward GilmoreHubert KovalevJenni PeasleyJeremyJordanLazloLisa MerrimanMascotMonicaNoelleNormanPenny StosicRoss AndersonTawny DvorchekThe Great UnknownWinslowZack Blonsky
Faculty: HeadmasterArtBiologyCoachDebateHistoryDr. LiteratureMathNursePhysicsPsychologyScienceDr. SpecsWood Shop
Other: GnomesWhisper 119Whisper 120Whisper 23RedfangConradConner OwensCornelius TowerShinji SatoTakahiro SatoTunnel ManLydia ArcherMichael Archer