Tower Prep Wiki
Tower Prep Wiki
Role: Faculty
Played by: Jay Brazeau
First appearance: New Kid

Science is the science teacher at Tower Prep.


Science does not seem to tolerate sarcasm, as when Ian Archer makes a joke about living for an scientific creature, he responds by giving him more homework. Shortly after, Monitors enter the class and detain Ian on the charges of theft and grand larceny. Later, he appears as a member of the Tribunal where Howard Gilmore confesses to the thefts. Science asks Howard about how he managed to get into the dorms undetected. Howard answers by saying that he waited till dark before sneaking in the rooms, satisfying Science and the other members of the Tribunal, who sentence Howard to six weeks at West Campus and clears Ian's name.("Monitored")


Main characters: Ian ArcherGabe ForrestSuki SatoCJ Ward
Students (recurring): Cal RiceDon FinchEmerson PoencetEmily WrightFenton CapwellRay Snider
Students (minor): Amber SunkistAva TaylorChelsea SloanDan MaxwellDemetrius WinghamDonald UtleyFlash McNultyHoward GilmoreHubert KovalevJenni PeasleyJeremyJordanLazloLisa MerrimanMascotMonicaNoelleNormanPenny StosicRoss AndersonTawny DvorchekThe Great UnknownWinslowZack Blonsky
Faculty: HeadmasterArtBiologyCoachDebateHistoryDr. LiteratureMathNursePhysicsPsychologyScienceDr. SpecsWood Shop
Other: GnomesWhisper 119Whisper 120Whisper 23RedfangConradConner OwensCornelius TowerShinji SatoTakahiro SatoTunnel ManLydia ArcherMichael Archer