Tower Prep Wiki
Tower Prep Wiki

As of December 2010, Tower Prep has not yet been renewed for season two. If you want to see the show come back, here are a few things you can do.


Although it's debatable as to how effective letter-writing campaigns are, it can't hurt to tell Cartoon Network that you want more Tower Prep. Just make sure your messages of support remain positive, and focus on how much you want to see more of the show.

  • Paul Dini has asked fans to email the CN VP of Public Relations. Find out more at this Twitter post.
  • Traditional letters can be sent to Cartoon Network at:
Cartoon Network
1050 Techwood Drive
Atlanta, GA 30318
  • You can also send feedback through the CN website. Go to the Feedback page, select "Programming" then "Tower Prep" and leave a message about how you like Tower Prep and want to see a second season.


Even if networks are not usually swayed by letters, they do like numbers, especially numbers they can make money from.

  • Be sure to tell your friends to watch the Tower Prep videos on the official Cartoon Network website.
  • Another way to support the show is to buy the episodes on iTunes.

If you know of other ways to support the show, feel free to leave a comment. Thanks.