Tower Prep Wiki
Tower Prep Wiki
Wood Shop
Role: Faculty
Played by: Aaron Pearl
First appearance: Rooks

Wood Shop (also called Coach Wood Shop) is a faculty member at Tower Prep and is presumably a buffer coach. He is in charge of overseeing CJ's school dance along with Coach and Debate. His personality is quite gruff, and he has trouble relating to the girls. For example, when Suki asked him if they could play modern music at CJ's dance, he told her to "pull herself up by her jock strap and drop the sass." ("Rooks")

Later, Wood Shop replaces Art as the faculty adviser to the Tower Prep Network Blog, informing the students that she was "dismissed". ("Trust")


Main characters: Ian ArcherGabe ForrestSuki SatoCJ Ward
Students (recurring): Cal RiceDon FinchEmerson PoencetEmily WrightFenton CapwellRay Snider
Students (minor): Amber SunkistAva TaylorChelsea SloanDan MaxwellDemetrius WinghamDonald UtleyFlash McNultyHoward GilmoreHubert KovalevJenni PeasleyJeremyJordanLazloLisa MerrimanMascotMonicaNoelleNormanPenny StosicRoss AndersonTawny DvorchekThe Great UnknownWinslowZack Blonsky
Faculty: HeadmasterArtBiologyCoachDebateHistoryDr. LiteratureMathNursePhysicsPsychologyScienceDr. SpecsWood Shop
Other: GnomesWhisper 119Whisper 120Whisper 23RedfangConradConner OwensCornelius TowerShinji SatoTakahiro SatoTunnel ManLydia ArcherMichael Archer